Looking for: What is the majority race in north carolina Click here to ENTER What is the majority race in north carolina. 2018 County Population Estimates: Race & Ethnicity The black population grew by 22, over this same time period while the Asian and Pacific Islander population increased by 14, The populations of individuals of two or more races 6, and American Indian also increased over this time period. Wake had the largest non-Hispanic white population of any North Carolina county in , and the largest increase since 8, Tyrell had the smallest non-Hispanic white population in 2, Mecklenburg had both the largest black population of any North Carolina county , and the largest numeric increase since 6, Graham had the smallest black population 37 in , representing 0. Mitchell also had fewer than black residents in Mecklenburg had the largest Hispanic population of any North Carolina county on July 1, , and the largest numeric increase of the Hisp...
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