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Is north carolina racially diverse - is north carolina racially diverse.The state of racial/ethnic diversity in North Carolina's health workforce

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- Is north carolina racially diverse - is north carolina racially diverse

  Many racial and ethnic groups have traditionally been left out of the political process. See Irish American. Retrieved August 16, See African American. New Hanover.  

- Is north carolina racially diverse - is north carolina racially diverse


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Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. While we still haven't dealt with racism as a society, the election of Donald Trump to the presidency has only flamed the tensions that have been mounting for years. Part of the reason for that tension? The country as a whole continues to self segregate across race, income, and party lines. But it's not all bad on the race relations front.

There are parts of North Carolina where there's a high level of diversity -- where people of all walks of life come together. We decided to shine a light on those places today. Using a standard measure of diversity, we ranked all cities in North Carolina from most to least diverse. So what city is the most diverse in North Carolina? According to the most Census data, Spring Lake took the number one over all spot for diversity in North Carolina.

Read on below to see how we crunched the numbers and how your town ranked. To see where North Carolina ranked as a state, we have a ranking of the most diverse states in Ameria. Next 10 Cities. We still believe in the accuracy of data -- especially from the census. So that's where we went to get the breakdown of race across North Carolina.

Here are the category names as defined by the Census:. We limited our analysis to non-CDPs with a population greater than 5, people. That left us with cities. We then calculated the HHI for each city by finding the racial breakdown of a city in percent terms, squaring them, and then adding the squares together. This left us with scores ranging from 2, Spring Lake to 9, Oak Island. Finally, we ranked each city based on the HHI with a lower score being more diverse than a high score.

Spring Lake took the distinction of being the most diverse, while Oak Island was the least diverse city. You can download the data here. Read on for more information on how the cities in North Carolina ranked for diversity or, for a more general take on diversity in america, head over to our ranking of the most diverse cities in America.

If you're looking for a scientific breakdown of diversity across North Carolina, this is an accurate list. Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move.

If you've been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you've probably stumbled upon his writing already. You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website.

Vendor List Privacy Policy. Toggle navigation Home Snacks. Article continues below. Spring Lake. Overall SnackAbility 7.

Best States To Live In. Editor's Note: We updated this article for This is our ninth time ranking the most diverse places in North Carolina. About Chris Kolmar Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. Diverse , Rankings.



Is north carolina racially diverse - is north carolina racially diverse

    Editor's Note: We updated this article for The Moravians of Winston-Salem are not primarily of Czech ancestry, but mostly of German descent, and members of the Moravian Church in America , a Protestant denomination takes its name from a spiritual movement that began in 15th century Moravia and nearby Bohemia. By Andrea Blanford via. Free African Americans migrated in the colonial and post-Revolutionary period to frontier areas of North Carolina from Virginia. Toggle navigation Home Snacks. So what city is the most diverse in North Carolina?


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